Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Am I feeling sane today?

So, tell me... Am I feeling sane today?  I have four kids of my own, ranging in age from 1 to 11.  And I decided to let the oldest have his first sleep over...  Now mind you, the second oldest has had a sleepover before, just not with us. While staying with the grandparents. I always thought that it would be super easy...  Mind you, it is not all bad!  Just exhausting! :-P

Started out frantically cleaning yesterday after I talked it over with the hubby, and we decided it was OK... and boy do I mean frantic cleaning!  Hubby mowed the back lawn, swept outside, rounded up the 8 or so laundry baskets that were outside full of the dirty clothes I haven't gotten to (our dryer doesn't really work well, and our clothes line is like 50+ years old...but that is a whole different story!), and put them safely in a corner under a tarp on the back porch.  The rest of the clothes as always were tossed in on my bedroom floor...if I only had the guts to post of picture of the amount of clothes my family of 6 has!!!  Yikes!  Back to subject....  in the mean time, I cleaned the kitchen (not the best job in the world, but good enough for a 12 year old boy to not be icked out!), cleaned the dinning room, cleaned the living room, cleaned off the china hutch, cleaned off both floor to ceiling book shelves. 

This was all until about 1 am today (including dinner of course, and the hour aside putting the 2 year old to bed).  Then at 2 am the 2 year old wakes up screaming, so the hubby goes to put her back to bed.  As soon as the hubby walks out of the bed room the baby wakes up.  I get up to take the baby, he just screams louder and pushes me away...i proceed to get the hubby and trade since I know the 2 year old really likes me more (sssshhhhh, don't tell the hubby - she is his favorite!).  All night long I was up with her, she kept waking up - bad dreams, scared, who the hell knows what... I nodded off a few times, so I figure I got my best sleep from 5 am to 7am.  (mind you, I am sleeping next to her toddler bed on a hard wood floor with a really thin sleeping bag beneath me - my hips hate me!)

I get up and finish my frantic cleaning from room to room - bathroom, kids room, back porch, etc... All of this for a kid that seems like  he doesn't care either way.  But  I know his mother, and she is a bit of a neat freak.  I couldn't live with myself if he were to go home and say our home was dirty, that we were slobs or anything!

I pick up the sleepover attendee around noon, and proceed to let the kids play play xbox all afternoon...Around 4pm I make them turn it off and send them out side to play.  It was fun seeing all 5 of them playing in the sprinklers...and of course, did I ever think to grab the camera to take a picture?  Of course not!  So i will try to repeat it tomorrow so I can save the memory forever! 

My sister brought home 2 huge pizzas and 3 batches of bread sticks for dinner (yes I live with my this tiny ass house has 8 people (sometimes 9) in it and one huge ass cat tonight.  And that is an all together different story to tell!).  After dinner, they are back on the xbox.... I kick them back off it, and send them outside for some more outdoors time.... 

Now it is 11:33 at night, and the 3 older kids and the hubby are watching Jackass 3.5.  Not sure if it was the best pick of movies to watch..but they are having fun eating cookies, ice cream, drinking soda, and laughing together.

Now add to this that I have done 2 mad rushes to the store to get junk food, then cold medicine for me and the 2 year old - we are both sick...and tell me, do you think I am nuts?  I feel a little nuts!

I wonder how late they will stay up talking, playing etc... should I try to listen in, or just let them have fun?

The sleepover attendee is having fun I guess, he posted on facebook that he was having a great sleepover.

Did boys when I was a kid have sleepovers?  I don't remember my little brother, or older brothers ever having sleepovers...I remember mine, but of course that is because they were my sleepovers!  Who knows, guess I'll have to e-mail the little bro and ask if he ever did...

Shew...wish me luck!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Taco Hell!! WTF??

So, not to be a total hater, but WTF Taco Bell? 

I had the worst service ever tonight!  Here is the letter that I sent to them...and I was much nicer than I started out!

First and foremost, we are a very large family on a very limited budget, and we very rarely eat out.  Well, we chose to eat at our local Taco Bell, and spent a large amount of money for food that was very unsatisfactory. The person running the register couldn’t get our order right and she was a shift leader! Here is what we ordered: 1 limeade, 2 chalupas, 1 pizza (-tom), 10 bean burritos, 10 tacos, 1 $5 box meal (-sour), 2 shrimp tacos. We were charged for (2) box meals, and once we got our order,  we had to request the food for the second box meal since it was on the receipt. We double checked our order, and there was tomato on the pizza, the person told us that there was no tomato on it, so I showed them, and told them it looked horrible, to which they responded that is just the way they are made! And the tomato (huge chunks) are in the sauce they use! 
There was hardly any meat on any of the tacos, the shrimp tacos were tough, and overcooked, they were not edible!  We did not get the tacos that were supposed to come with the box meals.  There was not any meat at all on either crunch wrap! Overall, we will not be spending our money there again!!  So, here I am out $50 bucks, trying to feed 7 people, and hungry because all we ate was lettuce and stale shells!!!
I am so unhappy with them!  When did customer service hit such an all time low?  When you pay for a product it should be descent, no matter where you got it!  I know, I know!  How many of you are saying, "Taco Bell?!  What did you expect?"  But really!  We never really eat out, and it seemed like it would be a feasible place to eat, and clearly we were wrong!  I will have to see what they say back.  Probably something to the extent of  "we are sorry that you are not happy with your service, please accept this 10% off of your next order on  us".  I can tell you that my hubby has had such a bad day, they were very lucky that he didn't just freak out and start yelling... He almost just packed up all his food and took it right back and wanted to tell them to shove it up their ass!  That was fun to talk him out of! Ha!  (Although, it would have been fun to see the looks on their faces!  But it is always a better idea to keep the husband out of jail!)
I will post any updates that I get from them.  Wish me luck in the ongoing battle of feeding my huge family!